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Posters and Handouts Order Form

Thank you for your interest in ordering Vot-ER posters and handouts! Vot-ER creates and ships up to 8 posters at no cost to you. All you need is a plan for using them.

Step 1 of 3: Basic Information

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Phone Number

Your Occupation


What state is your organization in?

The majority of my patients are (select all that apply):

The majority of my patients are (select all that apply):

My institution views itself as a space that is designed to serve (select all that apply):

My institution views itself as a space that is designed to serve (select all that apply):

Which of the following best describes you?

Our Terms Of Use ask that individuals using Vot-ER materials do so in a way that is compliant with your organization's code of conduct and policies.
Which of the following best describes you?